10 Signs When You Should Seek A Consultant Gynecologist?

10 Signs When You Should Seek A Consultant Gynecologist?

Though one might wonder when is the right time to consult a gynecologist. This blog will explain when you should look for a gynecologist clinic.

Gynecology is a branch of medicine that deals with everything related to female health care. The concerned doctor is called a gynecologist. A good gynecologist clinic offers 360 solutions for various female health-related concerns such as pregnancy, preventing pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, abnormalities with breasts, or menstruation. The most trusted gynecologist clinic in Kokapet is Jade Clinic, with an expert team of doctors dedicated to your well-being.

The gynecologist at Jade Clinic talks about the signs one must visit a gynecologist. Read on for more details!

  1. If you are having extremely painful and irregular periods.

If you are experiencing extremely painful or irregular periods, then this is your sign to seek an expert consultation from a gynecologist. Experiencing cramps or pain is normal when you are bleeding from the inside However, extremely painful periods that might disrupt the daily routine and could not be controlled with pain-killers could be a sign of the following concerns:

  • Endometriosis

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Non-cancerous uterine growths

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)

  1. If you are experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Vaginal bleeding can be normal if you experience spotting during the ovulation phase. Moreover, some women might be experiencing vaginal bleeding upon starting birth control pills or by missing the dose of the same. However, vaginal bleeding could be an alarming sign if you are experiencing:

  • Bleeding before or after periods.

  • Bleeding after menopause

  • Bleeding during pregnancy

  • Heavier bleeding as compared to usual bleeding

  • Change in color of bleeding

  • Bleeding before the age of puberty.

  1. If you are noticing signs of sexually transmitted diseases.

If you are noticing any signs of sexually transmitted disease, then this could be your sign to seek a gynecologist. Some of the common signs of sexually transmitted disease (near the genital area) are mentioned below:

  • Swelling on or near the genital area

  • Itching

  • Sore

  • Bumps

  • Discomfort or pain while urinating

  • Painful intercourse

  • Skin rashes

  • Redness

  • Inflammation

  • Bleeding after intercourse

  • Unusual vaginal discharge like change in color, odor, or texture.

  • Burning sensation in the genital area.

  1. If you are pregnant.

If you are expecting, it is the most positive sign to seek consultation from a gynecologist. If you are pregnant your gynecologist will help you with:

  • Maternal-fetal medicine

  • Reproductive endocrinology

  • Pre-neonatal care

  • To ensure the health and well-being of the fetus

  • Early detection of any abnormalities associated with the fetus.

  1. If you are trying to prevent pregnancies.

If you are trying to prevent pregnancies, you should seek advice from an expert gynecologist to avoid any complications. A gynecologist can help you with:

  • Birth control pills

  • Family planning

  1. If you are experiencing extreme breast pain or unusual lumps in your breast.

You should seek advice from a consultant gynecologist if you are experiencing breast pain or notice any usual breast lumps. This is because this could be an early sign of the following concerns:

  • Infection during bre-astfeeding

  • Fibrocystic breast disease

  • Cysts

  • Mastitis.

  1. If you are experiencing pelvic pain.

If you are experiencing unexplained pelvic pain you should immediately seek a gynecologist. You might experience pelvic pain during intercourse, or doing any exercise. This could be accompanied by bloating, fever, vomiting, or heaviness in your lower abdomen. Thus, if you are experiencing unexplained aforementioned symptoms for more than two weeks then it could be a sign of the following concerns:

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids

  • Retroverted Uterus.

  1. If you are due for your annual gynecologist check-up.

You should seek a gynecologist if you are due for your annual gynecological check even if you feel nothing wrong. An annual gynecological checkup can help you for the following reasons:

  • Detecting early signs of any abnormalities

  • Preventing any life-threatening conditions

  • Discussing healthy sexual practices, pregnancy, birth control, family planning, and self-examination.

  • Taking preventive measures such as HPV Vaccination.

Your annual gynecological check-up includes the below-mentioned points:

  • PAP smear

  • Breast examination

  • Pelvic examination

  • Urine routine or culture test

  • Test for triple H; it includes HIV, HBV, and HCV

  • A screening test for Human papillomavirus (HPV)

  • Complete blood count test (CBC)

  • Ultrasound

  • Screening for sexually transmitted diseases

  • General examination including height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar random.

Get in touch with the best gynecologist clinic in Hyderabad, Jade Clinics!

A woman pays a visit to a gynecologist for plenty of reasons. For instance menstrual irregularities, painful intercourse, noticing signs of sexually transmitted infections, abnormal vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, painful periods, pregnancy, or preventing pregnancies, abortion, PCOS, PCOD, any abnormalities associated with breasts, and many more. Jade Clinic is regarded as the best gynecologist clinic in Hyderabad offering treatments to a wide range of female health-related concerns with compassion and care. If you are looking for an expert gynecologist then get in touch with Jade clinics.

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